VICS WIDE,Congestion avoidance, cartoon VICS WIDE allows the driver to feel confident even in an unknown location.

Guy Dunns Good (45) Guy Dunns Good(45) Leave it to Dad!

  1. VICS WIDE,Cartoon, departureVICS WIDE,Cartoon, departure
  2. VICS WIDE,Cartoon, congestionVICS WIDE,Cartoon, congestion
  3. VICS WIDE,Cartoon, routingVICS WIDE,Cartoon, routing
  4. VICS WIDE,Cartoon, turning leftVICS WIDE,Cartoon, turning left
  5. VICS WIDE,Cartoon, re-routingVICS WIDE,Cartoon, re-routing
  6. VICS WIDE,Cartoon, arrivalVICS WIDE,Cartoon, arrival

Enjoy smooth driving
with extensive traffic information!

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Vehicle Information and Communication System Center [VICS Center]